Mr. Adrián Godínez Castillo- Attorney


He graduated from the Universidad Iberoamericana, where he obtained a degree in Law. He has taken various continuing education courses, as well as a Professional Certificate in Tax and Commercial Law at the ITAM, in addition to having several continuing education seminars in the field of Commercial and Civil Law taught by institutions such as the Mexican Bar, the Bar Association, S.C. UNAM Institute for Legal Research and Center for Tax and Legislative Studies of the Business Coordinating Council.

He is currently an associate of the LCG Abogados firm, in the fields of Litigation in: Commercial, Civil, and Amparo Proceeding matters; as well as Corporate Law.

Private practice lawyer (from 2001 – October 2015), in the areas of Litigation in: Commercial, Civil, and Amparo Proceeding matters, as well as counsel on Corporate Law.


  • Universidad Panamericana

    Degree in Law.

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